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Tobias vows to continue developing prospects

Namibia's top promoter Nestor 'Sunshine' Tobias remains keen on taking boxing to greater heights.
Jesse Kauraisa
MTC Nestor ‘Sunshine’ Tobias Boxing and Fitness Academy has vowed to keep pushing as hard as ever to identify and develop more boxing champions. The promoter Nestor Tobias says


Allgemeine Zeitung 2025-02-14

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Katima Mulilo: 20° | 24° Rundu: 20° | 24° Eenhana: 19° | 26° Oshakati: 20° | 25° Ruacana: 17° | 24° Tsumeb: 19° | 22° Otjiwarongo: 17° | 21° Omaruru: 19° | 22° Windhoek: 18° | 27° Gobabis: 19° | 24° Henties Bay: 19° | 23° Wind speed: 22km/h, Wind direction: W, Low tide: 10:40, High tide: 04:44, Low Tide: 22:43, High tide: 16:54 Swakopmund: 18° | 19° Wind speed: 16km/h, Wind direction: NW, Low tide: 10:38, High tide: 04:42, Low Tide: 22:41, High tide: 16:52 Walvis Bay: 18° | 23° Wind speed: 20km/h, Wind direction: NW, Low tide: 10:38, High tide: 04:41, Low Tide: 22:41, High tide: 16:51 Rehoboth: 21° | 29° Mariental: 22° | 35° Keetmanshoop: 27° | 36° Aranos: 22° | 33° Lüderitz: 15° | 25° Ariamsvlei: 26° | 39° Oranjemund: 14° | 22° Luanda: 26° | 28° Gaborone: 19° | 28° Lubumbashi: 18° | 28° Mbabane: 18° | 28° Maseru: 15° | 30° Antananarivo: 18° | 25° Lilongwe: 18° | 28° Maputo: 22° | 33° Windhoek: 18° | 27° Cape Town: 17° | 22° Durban: 21° | 26° Johannesburg: 17° | 28° Dar es Salaam: 26° | 32° Lusaka: 18° | 26° Harare: 17° | 26° #VALUE! #VALUE!