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Tourismus person of the month
Tourismus person of the month

Tourismus person of the month

Pieter and Lieschen Pretorius from Mola Mola
Wiebke Schmidt
We met in Windhoek high school, but it was sixteen years later before we ‘met again’. I was working in Sabi Sand Game reserve, after over a decade in guiding and presenting. Lieschen had finished her PhD in Genetics and Biochemistry at UCT. Different worlds, but we knew we wanted to be back in Namibia together!

- Business focus:

Our business focus with Mola Mola is simple: “To create awe-inspiring experiences for everyone whom visits us in Namibia. We do this by having awesome, happy and very capable people working with us, in an open, friendly and supportive working environment, which results in fantastic guests experiences and a positive feedback loop on all fronts.”

Our greatest asset, is and always will be the people with us, this goes for each guest, each customer and each team member.

- How did you get into tourism?

After traveling in Africa, Europe and America, I (Pieter) went to Stellenbosch and studied Business management, but quickly realized adventure was calling - as a result I ended up guiding and presenting in Pilanesberg National Park and Sabi Sand Game reserve …for more than ten years. Lieschen always wanted to be a pilot or diving instructor, and was now working for the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation at Groote Schuur in Cape Town. Getting married, and planning a family, we both wanted to be back in Namibia - and tourism offers great opportunities in Namibia!

- What do you expect for tourism in Namibia for 2021?

We expect things to still be extremely touch and go for the next few months, but can see the recovery starting in the 3rd and 4th quarter. This being said, and being positive, optimistic people in general - we strongly believe that : “Tourism in Namibia, in the next years ahead, will be even bigger than it would have been without Covid” - hard to believe now, but the future is bright for Namibia!

- Did you ever experience a dip in business like this before?

Never, Walvis Bay, was in continuous, hard lock-down for five months, and the further restrictions turned it into effectively seven months! Everyone in Activity Tourism in Walvis Bay area (and Namibia), went from a busy and growing industry, to almost zero business for most of 2020. However, the time to recover, to build and then to grow again, we believe, is not far away now…we, and everyone who can, must just reach that proverbial sunrise, which follows the darkest part of the night!

- What makes your service offer unique?

Firstly, Namibia and the Namib Sand Sea (a world UNESCO World Heritage site) is a very special place!

What makes Mola Mola unique is a commitment to an ethos of creating and delivering the best possible experience in an amazing, magical part of our country - this commitment is reached and honed by remarkable, dedicated and steadfast individuals who are Mola Mola!

Having cool boats, cars or kayaks can be achieved with a little vision, imagination and money, but giving our guests truly unforgettable experiences and treasured memories is accomplished by people, great people, and in our case - Mola Mola people!


Allgemeine Zeitung 2025-02-09

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