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Peking hat weiter Priorität

Windhoek - Um so viele Athleten wie möglich für die kommenden olympischen Sommerspiele zu qualifizieren, hat der Leichtathletik-Verband Namibia (AN) beschlossen, eine Auswahl bestehend aus sieben namibischen Athleten zu den CAA-Leichtathletik-Meisterschaften in Addis Abeba/Äthiopien zu entsenden.

An den Wettkämpfen, die vom 30. April bis 4. Mai angesetzt sind, werden dem AN-Präsidenten Alpha Kangueehi zufolge nur Kurzstrecken-Athleten teilnehmen, da sich die Marathon-Läufer zurzeit in Nordkorea befinden. Kangueehi gab sich sehr optimistisch, dass die Namibier mit einigen zählbaren Erfolgen zurückkehren werden. Folgende Athleten wurden für die Meisterschaften nominiert: Hans von Lieres (Hochsprung), Tjipekapora Herunga (400 Meter), Agnes Samaria (800 und 1500 Meter), Stefan Louw (Weitsprung), Hitjivirue Kaanjuk (200 Meter), Roger Haitengu (Dreisprung), und Salomon Tuaire (Hochsprung).


Allgemeine Zeitung 2025-02-06

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Katima Mulilo: 19° | 32° Rundu: 19° | 33° Eenhana: 20° | 33° Oshakati: 22° | 32° Ruacana: 20° | 27° Tsumeb: 19° | 32° Otjiwarongo: 17° | 29° Omaruru: 19° | 31° Windhoek: 19° | 29° Gobabis: 20° | 33° Henties Bay: 18° | 22° Wind speed: 22km/h, Wind direction: SW, Low tide: 03:05, High tide: 09:49, Low Tide: 16:30, High tide: 22:55 Swakopmund: 17° | 19° Wind speed: 26km/h, Wind direction: SW, Low tide: 03:03, High tide: 09:47, Low Tide: 16:28, High tide: 22:53 Walvis Bay: 18° | 23° Wind speed: 28km/h, Wind direction: SW, Low tide: 03:03, High tide: 09:46, Low Tide: 16:28, High tide: 22:52 Rehoboth: 19° | 31° Mariental: 22° | 35° Keetmanshoop: 21° | 32° Aranos: 22° | 35° Lüderitz: 17° | 28° Ariamsvlei: 23° | 34° Oranjemund: 15° | 26° Luanda: 25° | 28° Gaborone: 20° | 33° Lubumbashi: 17° | 22° Mbabane: 18° | 25° Maseru: 16° | 26° Antananarivo: 17° | 26° Lilongwe: 18° | 27° Maputo: 23° | 32° Windhoek: 19° | 29° Cape Town: 18° | 31° Durban: 22° | 24° Johannesburg: 16° | 26° Dar es Salaam: 26° | 31° Lusaka: 17° | 27° Harare: 17° | 29° Currency: GBP to NAD 22.9 | EUR to NAD 19.15 | CNY to NAD 2.53 | USD to NAD 18.48 | DZD to NAD 0.14 | AOA to NAD 0.02 | BWP to NAD 1.29 | EGP to NAD 0.36 | KES to NAD 0.14 | NGN to NAD 0.01 | ZMW to NAD 0.65 | ZWL to NAD 0.04 | BRL to NAD 3.19 | RUB to NAD 0.19 | INR to NAD 0.21 | USD to DZD 134.64 | USD to AOA 912 | USD to BWP 13.88 | USD to EGP 50.25 | USD to KES 129.19 | USD to NGN 1496.41 | USD to ZAR 18.49 | USD to ZMW 28.05 | USD to ZWL 321 | Stock Exchange: JSE All Share Index 86610.69 Up +0.18% | Namibian Stock Exchange (NSX) Overall Index 1755.71 Down -0.35% | Casablanca Stock Exchange (CSE) MASI 16217.65 Down -0.18% | Egyptian Exchange (EGX) 30 Index 29735.59 Up +0.23% | Botswana Stock Exchange (BSE) DCI 10075.28 Same 0 | NSX: MTC 7.75 SAME | Anirep 8.99 SAME | Capricorn Investment group 17.34 SAME | FirstRand Namibia Ltd 49 DOWN 0.50% | Letshego Holdings (Namibia) Ltd 4.1 UP 2.50% | Namibia Asset Management Ltd 0.7 SAME | Namibia Breweries Ltd 31.49 UP 0.03% | Nictus Holdings - Nam 2.22 SAME | Oryx Properties Ltd 12.1 UP 1.70% | Paratus Namibia Holdings 11.99 SAME | SBN Holdings 8.45 SAME | Trustco Group Holdings Ltd 0.48 SAME | B2Gold Corporation 47.34 DOWN 1.50% | Local Index closed 677.62 UP 0.12% | Overall Index closed 1534.6 DOWN 0.05% | Osino Resources Corp 19.47 DOWN 2.41% | Commodities: Gold US$ 2 851.63/OZ DOWN -0.0062 | Copper US$ 4.42/lb DOWN -0.0043 | Zinc US$ 2 841.50/T UP 1.48% | Brent Crude Oil US$ 75.34/BBP UP +0.09% | Platinum US$ 1 009.47/OZ UP +0.14% Sport results: Weather: Katima Mulilo: 19° | 32° Rundu: 19° | 33° Eenhana: 20° | 33° Oshakati: 22° | 32° Ruacana: 20° | 27° Tsumeb: 19° | 32° Otjiwarongo: 17° | 29° Omaruru: 19° | 31° Windhoek: 19° | 29° Gobabis: 20° | 33° Henties Bay: 18° | 22° Wind speed: 22km/h, Wind direction: SW, Low tide: 03:05, High tide: 09:49, Low Tide: 16:30, High tide: 22:55 Swakopmund: 17° | 19° Wind speed: 26km/h, Wind direction: SW, Low tide: 03:03, High tide: 09:47, Low Tide: 16:28, High tide: 22:53 Walvis Bay: 18° | 23° Wind speed: 28km/h, Wind direction: SW, Low tide: 03:03, High tide: 09:46, Low Tide: 16:28, High tide: 22:52 Rehoboth: 19° | 31° Mariental: 22° | 35° Keetmanshoop: 21° | 32° Aranos: 22° | 35° Lüderitz: 17° | 28° Ariamsvlei: 23° | 34° Oranjemund: 15° | 26° Luanda: 25° | 28° Gaborone: 20° | 33° Lubumbashi: 17° | 22° Mbabane: 18° | 25° Maseru: 16° | 26° Antananarivo: 17° | 26° Lilongwe: 18° | 27° Maputo: 23° | 32° Windhoek: 19° | 29° Cape Town: 18° | 31° Durban: 22° | 24° Johannesburg: 16° | 26° Dar es Salaam: 26° | 31° Lusaka: 17° | 27° Harare: 17° | 29° Economic Indicators: Currency: GBP to NAD 22.9 | EUR to NAD 19.15 | CNY to NAD 2.53 | USD to NAD 18.48 | DZD to NAD 0.14 | AOA to NAD 0.02 | BWP to NAD 1.29 | EGP to NAD 0.36 | KES to NAD 0.14 | NGN to NAD 0.01 | ZMW to NAD 0.65 | ZWL to NAD 0.04 | BRL to NAD 3.19 | RUB to NAD 0.19 | INR to NAD 0.21 | USD to DZD 134.64 | USD to AOA 912 | USD to BWP 13.88 | USD to EGP 50.25 | USD to KES 129.19 | USD to NGN 1496.41 | USD to ZAR 18.49 | USD to ZMW 28.05 | USD to ZWL 321 | Stock Exchange: JSE All Share Index 86610.69 Up +0.18% | Namibian Stock Exchange (NSX) Overall Index 1755.71 Down -0.35% | Casablanca Stock Exchange (CSE) MASI 16217.65 Down -0.18% | Egyptian Exchange (EGX) 30 Index 29735.59 Up +0.23% | Botswana Stock Exchange (BSE) DCI 10075.28 Same 0 | NSX: MTC 7.75 SAME | Anirep 8.99 SAME | Capricorn Investment group 17.34 SAME | FirstRand Namibia Ltd 49 DOWN 0.50% | Letshego Holdings (Namibia) Ltd 4.1 UP 2.50% | Namibia Asset Management Ltd 0.7 SAME | Namibia Breweries Ltd 31.49 UP 0.03% | Nictus Holdings - Nam 2.22 SAME | Oryx Properties Ltd 12.1 UP 1.70% | Paratus Namibia Holdings 11.99 SAME | SBN Holdings 8.45 SAME | Trustco Group Holdings Ltd 0.48 SAME | B2Gold Corporation 47.34 DOWN 1.50% | Local Index closed 677.62 UP 0.12% | Overall Index closed 1534.6 DOWN 0.05% | Osino Resources Corp 19.47 DOWN 2.41% | Commodities: Gold US$ 2 851.63/OZ DOWN -0.0062 | Copper US$ 4.42/lb DOWN -0.0043 | Zinc US$ 2 841.50/T UP 1.48% | Brent Crude Oil US$ 75.34/BBP UP +0.09% | Platinum US$ 1 009.47/OZ UP +0.14%