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Tika hands over computer lab in Keetmanshoop

Empowering the Keetmanshoop Multi-Purpose Youth Resource Centre with technology
On 19 July, the country coordinator of the Turkish cooperation handed over a new computer laboratory with the assistance of the //Karas governor.
Monique Adams Keetmanshoop
The Keetmanshoop Multi-Purpose Youth Resource Centre is a place for young people not only in the town, but from the southern regions of Namibia to learn how to handle challenges they face within their community such as alcohol and drug abuse, teenage pregnancies and gang affiliation.
Aydin Apaydin, the coordination agent of the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (Tika), said the impact of Covid-19 caused severe losses in the education system across the world.
The governor of the //Karas Region, Aletha Fredericks, identified the need to assist in restoring terminated and scaled down computer training programs due to worn-out equipment at two centres in Keetmanshoop.
The two centres are Women for Action Development Centre and the Keetmanshoop Multi-Purpose Youth Resource Centre. Tika donated 19 computers and chairs and did some renovations at the latter.
“The donation demonstrates a friendly relation between Turkey and Namibia as well as a strong testament to the trustworthiness of Tika as a partner to //Karas,” Fredericks said.
The regional head of the directorate of youth development, Annelien van Wyk, said this donation will bring a huge change at the Keetmanshoop Multi-Purpose Youth Resource Centre.
“With this computer lab, more young people will have a fair chance to come in and type their curriculum vitae and apply for job vacancies as well as school assignments,” she said.
Before the donation, the centre only had one computer which was not reliable as it was built from old parts.
The //Karas governor’s office understands that the world is moving towards the Fourth Industrial Revolution of technology and advancements.
“Computers and internet connectivity have become the catalyst for this highly globalised world that is influenced by technology and innovation,” Fredericks said.
Apaydin said that they are aware that the lack of basic computer skills or computer illiteracy significantly reduces one’s chance of finding employment.
“We hope this donation will improve the training quality of the Keetmanshoop Multi-Purpose Youth Resource Centre by empowering and broadening the horizons of young people,” he said.


Allgemeine Zeitung 2025-02-18

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