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Bringing a wealth of experience to the justice ministry

Balancing law and humanity
The senior legal officer is pursuing a master's degree in oil, gas and energy management.
Junior Kapofi
Shama Gure, a legal professional with a diverse background, has been appointed as the senior legal officer at the ministry of justice, bringing a wealth of experience and a passion for justice to the role.

With an honours degree in industrial psychology and sociology and an LLB law degree from the University of Namibia (Unam), Gure is currently pursuing a master's in oil, gas and energy management. Additionally, he is about to fast-track a post-graduate diploma (PGDip) in drafting of contracts and legal instruments from the University of Johannesburg (UJ).

In the legal realm, Gure specialises in issues such as the apostille (legalising of Namibian public documents), processing requests for extradition and mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, processing requests for the reciprocal service of civil process on behalf of foreign governments, and processing requests for the reciprocal enforcement of foreign civil judgments on behalf of foreign governments.

Previously, he served as a public prosecutor within the ministry, and highlighted sports coordination under the Special Olympics, coaching in the women's soccer league and a brief stint in the Namibian men's premier league as some of his achievements beyond the workplace.

Continuous learning

Gure describes his new position as a platform for continuous learning, providing opportunities to meet people from all walks of life and creating links, friendships and opportunities. His short-term goal is to master every aspect of the work, with a keen interest in focusing on humanitarian law.

The department Gure works in is characterised by a good balance of male and female colleagues, forming a dynamic team with vast experience in different fields of law. Despite being the smallest department within the ministry, it feels more like a family due to its close-knit nature, he highlighted.

Reflecting on the legal services industry in Namibia, he noted its dynamic and diverse nature, encompassing various sectors such as law firms, corporate legal departments, government agencies and non-governmental organisations. The legal profession in Namibia is regulated by the Law Society of Namibia, ensuring adherence to professional standards and ethics, he said.

Gure's passion for law stems from a desire to make a difference in people's lives by providing legal assistance and representation to those in need. The intellectual stimulation and challenge of critical thinking, analysis and problem-solving also drew him to the field.

He said he recently realised that his appointment in this role was a manifestation of time and effort, adding that he has much to learn from those who have gone before him. One career lesson he shares is to prioritise continuous learning and skill development, things he deems crucial in today's fast-paced and ever-changing job market.


Allgemeine Zeitung 2025-02-06

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Katima Mulilo: 19° | 32° Rundu: 19° | 33° Eenhana: 20° | 33° Oshakati: 22° | 32° Ruacana: 20° | 27° Tsumeb: 19° | 32° Otjiwarongo: 17° | 29° Omaruru: 19° | 31° Windhoek: 19° | 29° Gobabis: 20° | 33° Henties Bay: 18° | 22° Wind speed: 22km/h, Wind direction: SW, Low tide: 03:05, High tide: 09:49, Low Tide: 16:30, High tide: 22:55 Swakopmund: 17° | 19° Wind speed: 26km/h, Wind direction: SW, Low tide: 03:03, High tide: 09:47, Low Tide: 16:28, High tide: 22:53 Walvis Bay: 18° | 23° Wind speed: 28km/h, Wind direction: SW, Low tide: 03:03, High tide: 09:46, Low Tide: 16:28, High tide: 22:52 Rehoboth: 19° | 31° Mariental: 22° | 35° Keetmanshoop: 21° | 32° Aranos: 22° | 35° Lüderitz: 17° | 28° Ariamsvlei: 23° | 34° Oranjemund: 15° | 26° Luanda: 25° | 28° Gaborone: 20° | 33° Lubumbashi: 17° | 22° Mbabane: 18° | 25° Maseru: 16° | 26° Antananarivo: 17° | 26° Lilongwe: 18° | 27° Maputo: 23° | 32° Windhoek: 19° | 29° Cape Town: 18° | 31° Durban: 22° | 24° Johannesburg: 16° | 26° Dar es Salaam: 26° | 31° Lusaka: 17° | 27° Harare: 17° | 29° Currency: GBP to NAD 22.9 | EUR to NAD 19.15 | CNY to NAD 2.53 | USD to NAD 18.48 | DZD to NAD 0.14 | AOA to NAD 0.02 | BWP to NAD 1.29 | EGP to NAD 0.36 | KES to NAD 0.14 | NGN to NAD 0.01 | ZMW to NAD 0.65 | ZWL to NAD 0.04 | BRL to NAD 3.19 | RUB to NAD 0.19 | INR to NAD 0.21 | USD to DZD 134.64 | USD to AOA 912 | USD to BWP 13.88 | USD to EGP 50.25 | USD to KES 129.19 | USD to NGN 1496.41 | USD to ZAR 18.49 | USD to ZMW 28.05 | USD to ZWL 321 | Stock Exchange: JSE All Share Index 86610.69 Up +0.18% | Namibian Stock Exchange (NSX) Overall Index 1755.71 Down -0.35% | Casablanca Stock Exchange (CSE) MASI 16217.65 Down -0.18% | Egyptian Exchange (EGX) 30 Index 29735.59 Up +0.23% | Botswana Stock Exchange (BSE) DCI 10075.28 Same 0 | NSX: MTC 7.75 SAME | Anirep 8.99 SAME | Capricorn Investment group 17.34 SAME | FirstRand Namibia Ltd 49 DOWN 0.50% | Letshego Holdings (Namibia) Ltd 4.1 UP 2.50% | Namibia Asset Management Ltd 0.7 SAME | Namibia Breweries Ltd 31.49 UP 0.03% | Nictus Holdings - Nam 2.22 SAME | Oryx Properties Ltd 12.1 UP 1.70% | Paratus Namibia Holdings 11.99 SAME | SBN Holdings 8.45 SAME | Trustco Group Holdings Ltd 0.48 SAME | B2Gold Corporation 47.34 DOWN 1.50% | Local Index closed 677.62 UP 0.12% | Overall Index closed 1534.6 DOWN 0.05% | Osino Resources Corp 19.47 DOWN 2.41% | Commodities: Gold US$ 2 851.63/OZ DOWN -0.0062 | Copper US$ 4.42/lb DOWN -0.0043 | Zinc US$ 2 841.50/T UP 1.48% | Brent Crude Oil US$ 75.34/BBP UP +0.09% | Platinum US$ 1 009.47/OZ UP +0.14% Sport results: Weather: Katima Mulilo: 19° | 32° Rundu: 19° | 33° Eenhana: 20° | 33° Oshakati: 22° | 32° Ruacana: 20° | 27° Tsumeb: 19° | 32° Otjiwarongo: 17° | 29° Omaruru: 19° | 31° Windhoek: 19° | 29° Gobabis: 20° | 33° Henties Bay: 18° | 22° Wind speed: 22km/h, Wind direction: SW, Low tide: 03:05, High tide: 09:49, Low Tide: 16:30, High tide: 22:55 Swakopmund: 17° | 19° Wind speed: 26km/h, Wind direction: SW, Low tide: 03:03, High tide: 09:47, Low Tide: 16:28, High tide: 22:53 Walvis Bay: 18° | 23° Wind speed: 28km/h, Wind direction: SW, Low tide: 03:03, High tide: 09:46, Low Tide: 16:28, High tide: 22:52 Rehoboth: 19° | 31° Mariental: 22° | 35° Keetmanshoop: 21° | 32° Aranos: 22° | 35° Lüderitz: 17° | 28° Ariamsvlei: 23° | 34° Oranjemund: 15° | 26° Luanda: 25° | 28° Gaborone: 20° | 33° Lubumbashi: 17° | 22° Mbabane: 18° | 25° Maseru: 16° | 26° Antananarivo: 17° | 26° Lilongwe: 18° | 27° Maputo: 23° | 32° Windhoek: 19° | 29° Cape Town: 18° | 31° Durban: 22° | 24° Johannesburg: 16° | 26° Dar es Salaam: 26° | 31° Lusaka: 17° | 27° Harare: 17° | 29° Economic Indicators: Currency: GBP to NAD 22.9 | EUR to NAD 19.15 | CNY to NAD 2.53 | USD to NAD 18.48 | DZD to NAD 0.14 | AOA to NAD 0.02 | BWP to NAD 1.29 | EGP to NAD 0.36 | KES to NAD 0.14 | NGN to NAD 0.01 | ZMW to NAD 0.65 | ZWL to NAD 0.04 | BRL to NAD 3.19 | RUB to NAD 0.19 | INR to NAD 0.21 | USD to DZD 134.64 | USD to AOA 912 | USD to BWP 13.88 | USD to EGP 50.25 | USD to KES 129.19 | USD to NGN 1496.41 | USD to ZAR 18.49 | USD to ZMW 28.05 | USD to ZWL 321 | Stock Exchange: JSE All Share Index 86610.69 Up +0.18% | Namibian Stock Exchange (NSX) Overall Index 1755.71 Down -0.35% | Casablanca Stock Exchange (CSE) MASI 16217.65 Down -0.18% | Egyptian Exchange (EGX) 30 Index 29735.59 Up +0.23% | Botswana Stock Exchange (BSE) DCI 10075.28 Same 0 | NSX: MTC 7.75 SAME | Anirep 8.99 SAME | Capricorn Investment group 17.34 SAME | FirstRand Namibia Ltd 49 DOWN 0.50% | Letshego Holdings (Namibia) Ltd 4.1 UP 2.50% | Namibia Asset Management Ltd 0.7 SAME | Namibia Breweries Ltd 31.49 UP 0.03% | Nictus Holdings - Nam 2.22 SAME | Oryx Properties Ltd 12.1 UP 1.70% | Paratus Namibia Holdings 11.99 SAME | SBN Holdings 8.45 SAME | Trustco Group Holdings Ltd 0.48 SAME | B2Gold Corporation 47.34 DOWN 1.50% | Local Index closed 677.62 UP 0.12% | Overall Index closed 1534.6 DOWN 0.05% | Osino Resources Corp 19.47 DOWN 2.41% | Commodities: Gold US$ 2 851.63/OZ DOWN -0.0062 | Copper US$ 4.42/lb DOWN -0.0043 | Zinc US$ 2 841.50/T UP 1.48% | Brent Crude Oil US$ 75.34/BBP UP +0.09% | Platinum US$ 1 009.47/OZ UP +0.14%