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Valuable real estate tips from Greyrock Properties

Highlighting the importance of financial preparedness
Jazama urged first-time renters to have their security deposit as well as the first month's rent saved up.
Jemimah Ndebele
In a recent interview, Gideon Jazama, a real estate agent with Greyrock Properties, shared insightful advice for first-time tenants, and tips for property sellers.

When asked about the advice he would give to first-time tenants, Jazama emphasised the importance of financial preparedness.

"I would advise them to have their security deposit ready upfront, as well as the first month's rental fees, otherwise you will not be able to secure your place."

He further stressed the significance of a clear understanding of one's housing needs to avoid future disappointments.

"It is also important that their contract with the landlord is in writing to make sure that you are always on the safe side of things legally." Additionally, he urged potential tenants to exercise caution when dealing with realtors, saying: "Make sure to meet your realtor or agent in person and not just trust telephonic dealings because they could easily be scams. Don't transfer your money to someone you don't know".

Enticing buyers

On how to make properties attractive to potential buyers, Jazama highlighted security, reasonable pricing, cleanliness and tenant comfort as the most important factors. He stressed that property owners should ensure functional doors and locks, practical pricing and maintain cleanliness to entice buyers.

For landlords, providing separate entrances for tenants and facilitating connectivity options add value to the property.

The conversation turned to financial matters, with Jazama clarifying the often-confusing terms 'including costs' and 'excluding costs'.

He explained: "Including costs could mean one of two things. It either includes transfer costs or all costs, which encompass both transfer costs and bond costs".

“We have a whole range of properties from flats, freestanding homes, commercial properties to rentals and farms across the country," he said of Greyrock Properties. "We also have developments that we market and sell in Nkurenkuru, Outapi, Okahandja and Oshakati."

Prospective buyers can contact Greyrock Properties at 081 262 3419.


Allgemeine Zeitung 2025-02-09

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