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Ohorongo cemented in Otavi

Ohorongo Cement started production in December 2010 and currently boasts a production capacity exceeding a million tonnes of top-tier cement annually. It is one of Africa’s most advanced cement plants, and construction of this state-of-the-art facility, at an investment of N$2,5 billion, took place over two years.

Since then Ohorongo Cement has invested over N$6 million in Otavi. Key projects include the construction and equipping of the Otavi Clinic, the upgrade of he Otavi playground and soccer field, installation of solar geysers at Johanniter Hostel Khoabeb, donation of an ambulance, upgrading of old sports facilities, the Etunda Clinic received cement and medical equipment, support to schools with cement and sport equipment, sunscreen to the Albino Corner at Otavi Clinic and the construction of the Otavi Courts with co-sponsors.

In partnership with the Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia, FNB through the FirstRand Namibia Foundation, and the Pupkewitz Foundation, the partners have donated N$18 million for community-driven housing since 2016.

Ohorongo collaborates with Support Ulm e.V., a German NGO, providing medical equipment valued at over N$70 million since 2009. Additionally, the company supports school renovations and supplies books.

The total combined Corporate Social Investment contribution exceeds N$84 million.

Ohorongo also focuses on environmental stewardship, controlling air pollution, safeguarding

water resources, and monitoring noise levels. The company’s environmental management

efforts have earned ISO 14001 certification.

Ohorongo is committed to sustainability by replacing fossil fuels with alternatives such as

wood chips, charcoal fines, and refuse-derived fuel. These fuels are locally sourced and manufactured in Namibia, supporting the trade balance and job creation.

The use of bag-house filters at the plant ensures one of the lowest carbon footprints per ton of

cement in the global industry, with CO2 emissions from alternative fuels being partially neutral.

Ohorongo Cement maintains minimal waste production and very low water usage.


Allgemeine Zeitung 2025-02-19

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