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ACQUISITION: Qatar Airways CEO Badr Mohammed Al Meer and Airlink's CEO Rodger Foster speak to the media during a signing ceremony in Doha, Qatar, earlier this month.Photo: Reuters
ACQUISITION: Qatar Airways CEO Badr Mohammed Al Meer and Airlink's CEO Rodger Foster speak to the media during a signing ceremony in Doha, Qatar, earlier this month.Photo: Reuters

FlyNamibia welcomes Qatari Airlink investment

Ogone Tlhage
FlyNamibia has welcomed Qatar Airways’ acquisition of a 25% stake in South African airline Airlink, and says it could bolster air travel into Namibia.

Airlink is a strategic partner in FlyNamibia, having acquired a 40% stake in the local airline in 2022.

Commenting on the recently concluded transaction, FlyNamibia managing director Andre Compion said it was a positive development.

“It will not have any impact on our operations. The association with Qatar is very positive; they’re a major player globally. More feed from them onto Airlink’s flights into Namibia will, in turn, lead to better feed onto our flights,” he said.

The investment in Airlink – which flies to more than 45 destinations in 15 African countries – will enhance a code-sharing partnership between the two airlines. The deal will bolster Qatar Airways’ Africa growth strategy and cement its role as a key driver to the continent’s economic success.

Africa 'integral' to future of business

Airlink CEO Rodger Foster said all the local airline's shareholders are diluting their stakes proportionally to allow for the 25% investment by Qatar Airways.

He added that the 25% equity and voting rights that will now be controlled by a foreign investor make up the maximum share allowed under South African law for locally domiciled aviation companies, under their interpretation of the legislation.

Qatar Airways, which is owned by the Qatari government, was only founded as an airline in 1993, two years before Airlink was officially launched in 1995. Since then, it has won the Skytrax Best Airline award a record eight times, including in 2024, and now flies to over 170 destinations.

Qatar Airways Group CEO Badr Mohammed Al-Meer told News24 that Africa is integral to the future of the business.

"Qatar Airways cannot cover all of Africa. The idea of having this partnership with Airlink is basically to cover as many destinations where Qatar Airways cannot operate to, where we can make sure that we will be able to make those passengers or those travellers come fly on Qatar Airways through Airlink.

"Airlink will be the airline that will be the partner that will bring passengers from those parts of the continent that we don't fly to," he said.

- Additional reporting by Fin24


Allgemeine Zeitung 2025-02-09

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