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The manufacturing industry drove exports for  November.
The manufacturing industry drove exports for November.

Copper, uranium, drive exports for November

Notable increases observed
Copper and uranium exports for November ran into the billions
Ogone Tlhage
The export of copper and uranium in Namibia has exceeded the billion-dollar threshold, with copper exports rising by N$1.3 billion and uranium exports increasing by N$1.1 billion, according to the Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA).

Additionally, precious stones, particularly diamonds, saw a significant increase of N$718.9 million, while fruits and nuts rose by N$470.8 million. Inorganic chemical elements also contributed to the growth with an increase of N$190.6 million.

On the import side, the NSA reported a notable rise in the monthly import of goods, primarily driven by aircraft and associated equipment, which surged by N$2.2 billion. Precious stones also saw an increase of N$653.9 million, followed by nickel ores and concentrates at N$301.8 million. Heating and cooling equipment rose by N$188.6 million, and ores and concentrates of base metals increased by N$186.2 million.

“In November 2024, the manufacturing sector occupied the first position with the largest goods export valued at N$6.4 billion, absorbing 52.7% of the country’s total export earnings,” the NSA said.

“Products from this industry increased by N$1.6 billion when compared to the previous month. The mining and quarrying sector came in second position with a share of 40.7% of the total exports in November 2024,” the agency added.

The manufacturing industry reported the highest increase in goods exported according to the NSA. “Exported goods from this industry increased by N$1.4 billion when compared to the previous month. Furthermore, the agriculture, forestry, and fishing sector ranked third, contributing 6.1% to the value of total export of goods,” the NSA noted.

Namibia’s cumulative exports over an eleven-month period reached N$106.4 billion, compared to N$92.3 billion recorded during the same timeframe last year.

“During November 2024, Namibia’s export earnings stood at N$12.2 billion, a notable increase of 39.0 percent from N$8.8 billion recorded in October 2024. Whereas, the import bill for the month under review stood at N$17.7 billion, an increase of 7.2 percent from N$16.5 billion recorded during the preceding month. This translates into an improved trade deficit of N$5.5 billion during November 2024 compared to a trade deficit of N$7.7 billion recorded in October 2024,” the NSA said.

“On the import side, the cumulative value for the month under review over the eleven-month period amounted to N$148.8 billion, a N$24.3 billion increase when compared to N$124.5 billion recorded over the same period of 2023,” it added.


Allgemeine Zeitung 2025-02-14

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