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Anixas II inauguration

Augetto Graig
NamPower has announced the inauguration of the Anixas II Power Station in Walvis Bay. The new N$1,28 billion, 54 MW power station, is a milestone in NamPower’s quest towards self-sufficiency, the national energy utility said. The purpose of the Anixas II Power Station, in addition to the existing 22,5 MW Anixas Power Station, is to provide firm, dispatchable and reliable generation capacity to the Namibian grid and thereby improving security of supply and self-sufficiency, according to NamPower. The station further allows Namibia to integrate more renewable energy projects in future by serving as a dispatchable power station to support the

intermittency of renewable energy facilities as needed, it elaborated. The inauguration ceremony is scheduled for 21 February 2025.


Allgemeine Zeitung 2025-02-08

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