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Pilot: Simon Neveling

Zoe Karsten
“My role as the general manager of flight operations hinges on strategic business analysis, ensuring operational excellence and fostering industry connections.” This is how Sim


Allgemeine Zeitung 2025-02-13

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Katima Mulilo: 20° | 24° Rundu: 20° | 24° Eenhana: 19° | 26° Oshakati: 20° | 25° Ruacana: 17° | 24° Tsumeb: 19° | 22° Otjiwarongo: 17° | 21° Omaruru: 19° | 22° Windhoek: 18° | 27° Gobabis: 19° | 24° Henties Bay: 19° | 23° Wind speed: 24km/h, Wind direction: W, Low tide: 10:12, High tide: 04:14, Low Tide: 22:17, High tide: 16:25 Swakopmund: 18° | 19° Wind speed: 23km/h, Wind direction: NW, Low tide: 10:10, High tide: 04:12, Low Tide: 22:15, High tide: 16:23 Walvis Bay: 18° | 23° Wind speed: 23km/h, Wind direction: NW, Low tide: 10:10, High tide: 04:11, Low Tide: 22:15, High tide: 16:22 Rehoboth: 21° | 29° Mariental: 22° | 35° Keetmanshoop: 27° | 36° Aranos: 22° | 33° Lüderitz: 15° | 25° Ariamsvlei: 26° | 39° Oranjemund: 14° | 22° Luanda: 26° | 28° Gaborone: 19° | 28° Lubumbashi: 18° | 28° Mbabane: 18° | 28° Maseru: 15° | 30° Antananarivo: 18° | 25° Lilongwe: 18° | 28° Maputo: 22° | 33° Windhoek: 18° | 27° Cape Town: 17° | 22° Durban: 21° | 26° Johannesburg: 17° | 28° Dar es Salaam: 26° | 32° Lusaka: 18° | 26° Harare: 17° | 26° #VALUE! #VALUE!